ADORe is a modular open source software library and toolkit for decision making, planning, control and simulation of automated vehicles
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Cadore::env::AFactoryAbstract factory for adore::env communication
 Cadore::params::AFactoryAbstract factory for adore::params classes
 Cadore::sim::AFactoryAbstract factory for adore::sim communication
 Cadore::mad::AFeed< T >
 Cadore::mad::AFeed< adore::env::BorderBased::Border >
 Cadore::mad::AFeed< adore::env::BorderTypeChangeProfile >
 Cadore::mad::AFeed< adore::env::ControlledConnection >
 Cadore::mad::AFeed< adore::env::PrecedenceRule >
 Cadore::mad::AFeed< adore::env::traffic::Participant >
 Cadore::mad::AFeed< adore::fun::PlanningResult >
 Cadore::mad::AFeed< adore::fun::VehicleMotionState9d >
 Cadore::mad::AFeed< adore::sim::ResetVehiclePose >
 Cadore::mad::AFeed< adore::sim::ResetVehicleTwist >
 Cadore::mad::AFeedWithCallback< T >
 Cadore::mad::AFeedWithCallback< adore::fun::PlanningRequest >
 Cadore::view::AGapDefines a gap in traffic, into which a merge may be planned
 Cadore::env::BorderBased::ALanePositionedObjectAbstract class for Objects that are positioned by a connection to a certain lane
 Cadore::mad::ALFunction< DT, CT >
 Cadore::mad::ALFunction< DT, CTa >
 Cadore::mad::ALFunction< DT, CTb >
 Cadore::mad::ALFunction< DT, T >
 Cadore::mad::ALFunction< DTa, CTa >
 Cadore::mad::ALFunction< DTb, CTa >
 Cadore::mad::ALFunction< DTb, DTa >
 Cadore::mad::ALFunction< T, adoreMatrix< T, 2, 2 > >
 Cadore::mad::ALFunction< T, adoreMatrix< T, N, 1 > >
 Cadore::mad::ALFunction< T, adoreMatrix< T, N, K > >
 Cadore::mad::ALFunction< T, adoreMatrix< T, Na+Nb, 1 > >
 Cadore::mad::ALFunction< T, CTa >
 Cadore::mad::ALFunction< T, CTb >
 Cadore::mad::ALFunction< T, T >
 Cadore::mad::ALocalObserver< T >Observer pattern to manage feed data in a storage class
 Cadore::mad::ALocalObserver< Border >
 Cadore::mad::AOdeModel< T >
 Cadore::mad::AOdeModel< double >
 Cadore::mad::AOdeModelWithOutput< T >
 Cadore::mad::AOdeModelWithOutput< double >
 Cadore::mad::AOdeSolver< T >
 Cadore::params::APCheckpointsAbstract class containing parameters for checkpoint handling
 Cadore::params::APCooperationAbstract class containing cooperative behaviour parameters
 Cadore::params::APEmergencyOperationAbstract class containing parameters concerning emergency operation behaviour
 Cadore::params::APFunctionManagementAbstract class containing parameters for function management configuration
 Cadore::params::APLaneChangeViewAbstract class containing parameters for a lane change view
 Cadore::params::APLaneFollowingViewAbstract class containing parameters for a lane following view
 Cadore::params::APLateralPlannerAbstract class containing parameters related to configuring the lateral planner
 Cadore::params::APLocalizationModelAbstract class containing parameters which configure localization state estimation model
 Cadore::params::APLocalRoadMapAbstract class to configure the local view of the road map
 Cadore::params::APLongitudinalPlannerAbstract class containing parameters related to configuring the longitudinal planner
 Cadore::params::APMapProviderAbstract class containing parameters to configure aspects of the map provider
 Cadore::params::APMissionControlAbstract class containing parameters for mission controller configuration
 Cadore::params::APMRMPlannerAbstract class containing parameters related to configuring the lateral planner
 Cadore::params::APNavigationAbstract class containing parameters which configure navigation behaviour
 Cadore::params::APOdometryModelAbstract class containing parameters which configure odometry state estimation model
 Cadore::params::APPredictionParameter interface for parameters related to prediction
 Cadore::params::APSensorModelAbstract class for vehicle sensor model parameters
 Cadore::params::APTacticalPlannerAbstract classs containing parameters to configure aspects and constraints of the tactical planner
 Cadore::params::APTrafficLightSimAbstract class containing parameters to configure aspects of the map provider
 Cadore::params::APTrajectoryGenerationAbstract class containing parameters to configure the behaviour of trajectory generation
 Cadore::params::APTrajectoryTrackingAbstract class containing parameters to configure the behaviour of the trajactory tracking controller
 Cadore::params::APVehicleAbstract class for vehicle configuration related paremeters
 Cadore::mad::AReader< T >
 Cadore::mad::AReader< adore::env::CooperativeUserPrediction >
 Cadore::mad::AReader< adore::env::SimTrafficLightMap >
 Cadore::mad::AReader< adore::env::traffic::TParticipantSet >
 Cadore::mad::AReader< adore::env::VehicleMotionState9d >
 Cadore::mad::AReader< adore::fun::IndicatorCommand >
 Cadore::mad::AReader< adore::fun::MissionData >
 Cadore::mad::AReader< adore::fun::MotionCommand >
 Cadore::mad::AReader< adore::fun::NavigationGoal >
 Cadore::mad::AReader< adore::fun::PlatooningInformation >
 Cadore::mad::AReader< adore::fun::SetPointRequest >
 Cadore::mad::AReader< adore::fun::VehicleExtendedState >
 Cadore::mad::AReader< adore::fun::VehicleMotionState9d >
 Cadore::mad::AReader< double >
 Cadore::mad::AWriter< T >
 Cadore::mad::AWriter< adore::env::CooperativeUserPrediction >
 Cadore::mad::AWriter< adore::env::CooperativeUsersList >
 Cadore::mad::AWriter< adore::env::SimTrafficLight >
 Cadore::mad::AWriter< adore::env::VehicleMotionState9d >
 Cadore::mad::AWriter< adore::fun::IndicatorCommand >
 Cadore::mad::AWriter< adore::fun::MissionData >
 Cadore::mad::AWriter< adore::fun::MotionCommand >
 Cadore::mad::AWriter< adore::fun::PlanningRequest >
 Cadore::mad::AWriter< adore::fun::PlanningResult >
 Cadore::mad::AWriter< adore::fun::PlatooningInformation >
 Cadore::mad::AWriter< adore::fun::SetPointRequest >
 Cadore::mad::AWriter< adore::fun::VehicleBaseMeasurement >
 Cadore::mad::AWriter< adore::fun::VehicleExtendedState >
 Cadore::mad::AWriter< adore::fun::VehicleMotionState9d >
 Cadore::mad::AWriter< std::pair< adore::env::BorderBased::BorderID, double > >
 Cadore::env::BorderBased::BaselineA local, non-linear, smooth road coordinate system generated from a sequence of borders
 Cadore::env::BorderBased::BorderThe border struct contains data of the smallest
 Cadore::env::BorderBased::BorderAccumulationStrategyThis class defines how successors of a border should be chosen
 Cadore::env::BorderBased::BorderAccumulatorThis class collects a sequence of borders, according to chosen BorderAccumulationStrategy
 Cadore::env::BorderBased::BorderIDThis struct identifies a Border by the coordinates of the starting and the end point
 Cadore::env::BorderBased::BorderIDHasherFunctor, which hashes a BorderID object -> std::unordered_set<BorderID,BorderIDHasher> amap(0);
 Cadore::if_xodr::BorderIDTranslationBorderIDTranslation is a set of translation tables, which keeps track of road ids, junction ids and their geometric representation as borders
 Cadore::env::BorderBased::BorderOverlapSetSet of BorderOverlap objects that are connected, e. g. to form a conflict zone
 Cadore::env::BorderBased::BorderPositioning< N >
 Cadore::env::BorderBased::BorderSetEfficiently store borders in boost R-tree
 Cadore_v2x_sim::ChannelToStation< TChannelMsg, TChannelMsgConstPtr, TStationMsg, TStationMsgConstPtr >
 Cadore::apps::CheckpointControllerA set of virtual traffic lights are switched according to test driver input. CheckpointController is provided with a list of coorindates. Virtual traffic lights are placed at these coordinates, initially with red-light phase active. If a clearance button is pressed by the test driver, the nearest checkpoint traffic light in the lane-following view is switched to green-light for a given amount of time
 Cadore::apps::CollisionMonitorA class, which monitors for collisions between ego and other objects
 Cadore::env::CooperativeUsersProcess::CooperativeUserPrediction plus CACC(Platoon)
 Cadore::env::BorderBased::CoordinateThis struct represents 3-dimensional coordines
 Cadore::env::BorderBased::CoordinateHasherFunctor, which hashes a Coordinate object -> std::unordered_set<Coordinate,CoordinateHasher> amap(0);
 CCSVLogSingleton class for logging on the console and in a file, only interact with it via the defined macros
 Cadore::mad::CubicPiecewiseFunctionStatic< N >
 Cadore::env::EnvFactoryInstanceUtility class to simplify factory access
 Cadore::env::LocalBoxSet< TObject, TBoxGen, TComparator >::EqualFunctor
 Cadore::if_r2s::Section::FunctionMapStorage class to access different functions by their domain intervals
 Cadore::fun::FunFactoryInstanceUtility class to simplify factory access
 Cadore::PLOT::GeoTilesClass to help with handling of tile servers used for satellite image background tiles
 Cadore::apps::GoalAttainmentMonitorA class, which monitors distance between vehicle and goal
 Cadore::env::BorderBased::IndependentLaneChangeGeometryA class for computation of the geometric information required to perform lane changes. The class name contains the term "independent", as it computes its own smooth baseline function instead of using the smooth baseline function of the lane following geometry. Downside of the independence is an increase computational effort. Upside is an improved projection in cases where target lane steeply separates after the gate. In contrast to the "normal" lc-geometry, which uses a baseline in the center of the source lane, the independent smooth baseline is situated between source and target lane. There is still a minor dependence to the lane following geometry: To compute the lane change geometry, the borders collected by the lane following geometry have to be provided
 Cadore::fun::IndicatorDispatcherDispatches indicator command for maneuver, which is currently executed
 Cadore::env::IndicatorHintManagementAutomatically manage indicator hints based on current vehicle position
 Cadore::apps::IndicatorHintsProviderA node to gather indicator hint data and provide it e.g. for laneview computation or tactical decisions
 Cadore::fun::InformationSetPostProcessing< N, D >
 Cadore::fun::InformationSetPostProcessing< 4, 2 >
 Cadore::fun::InitialStateSelectorHelps to select initial state for motion planning. Considers previous plan, current vehicle state, vehicle extended state
 Cadore::mad::interval< T >
 Cadore::env::BorderBased::itpair< T1, T2 >Pair of iterators to iterate from first iterator till second iterator is reached
 Cadore::env::BorderBased::ParkingSpotSet::itpair< T1, T2 >
 Cadore::env::LocalBoxSet< TObject, TBoxGen, TComparator >::itpair
 Cadore::env::PrecedenceSet::itpair< T1, T2 >
 Cadore::env::TCDSet::itpair< T1, T2 >
 Cadore::env::BorderBased::itpair< Coordinate2BordersRT::const_query_iterator, Coordinate2BordersRT::const_query_iterator >
 Cadore::if_r2s::LaneBorderBasic storage struct for lane borders from file
 Cadore::env::BorderBased::LaneChangeBordersSelects Borders from BorderSet required for LaneChangeView construction
 Cadore::env::BorderBased::LaneChangeDataProxySimple struct to hole data relevant to lane change geometry
 Cadore::env::BorderBased::LaneChangeGeometryA class with a geometry description of a lane next to the current lane
 Cadore::apps::LaneFollowingBehaviorDecision making and maneuver planning, which realizes lane following only. Basically a wrapper for trajectory_planner_lf, with initial state selection and direct SetPointRequest output to controller
 Cadore::env::BorderBased::LaneFollowingBordersSelects Borders from BorderSet required for LaneFollowingView construction
 Cadore::env::BorderBased::LaneFollowingGeometry< PolyFitPoints, PolyEvaluatePoints >A class with a geometry description of the current lane
 Cadore::env::BorderBased::LaneFollowingGeometry< 20, 200 >
 Cadore::env::BorderBased::LanePositionThis is a struct that contains a position defined by a BorderID and a progress on that border
 Cadore::env::BorderBased::LanePositionedObjectSetThis class represents a set of objects that are positioned by LanePosition
 Cadore::apps::LaneViewProviderA node which computes lanefollowing and lanechange geometry and provides the results to subsequent modules
 Cadore::fun::LateralPlanner< K, P >
 Cadore::env::LocalBoxSet< TObject, TBoxGen, TComparator >
 Cadore::env::LocalBoxSet< ControlledConnection, BoxGen, Comparator >
 Cadore::apps::LocalizationModelModel for localization adds errors to true vehicle state
 Cadore::env::BorderBased::BorderSet::longitudinal_iteratorIterator, which walks along borders, while there is exactly one successor (forward) or predecessor (backward)
 Cadore::mad::LQ_OC_single_shooting< N, R, K, P >
 Cadore::env::MapBorderManagementAutomatically manage local map and necessary updates based on vehicle position and last state of object
 Cadore::env::MapParkingSpotManagementAutomatically manage parking spot based on current vehicle position and last state of object
 Cadore::apps::MapProviderBase class for middleware dependent implementations of the map provider module
 Cadore::env::MapStopLineManagementManage new and outdated stop lines based on newly visible and no longer visible borders and the last state of the object
 Cadore::env::MapTCDManagementManage visible traffic control devices based on vehicle position and last state of the object
 Cadore::apps::MissionControllerSimple state machine for mission controlling
 Cadore::env::BorderBased::my_equal< value_type, Tfirst >Custom equal test for iterators
 Cadore::env::BorderBased::ParkingSpotSet::my_equal< value_type, Tfirst >
 Cadore::env::PrecedenceSet::my_equal< value_type, Tfirst >Custom equal test for iterators
 Cadore::env::TCDSet::my_equal< value_type, Tfirst >
 Cadore::env::NavigationCostStruct to organize navigation cost
 Cadore::env::OCPredictionStrategy< T >
 Cadore::env::OCPredictionStrategy< traffic::Participant >
 Cadore::apps::OdometryModelModel for odometry sensor integrates velocities as measured with errors
 Cadore::params::ParamsFactoryInstanceUtility class to simplify factory access
 Cadore::env::BorderBased::ParkingSpotThis class definition is to represent parking spots
 Cadore::env::traffic::ParticipantStruct for representing a participant in traffic
 Cadore::mad::BoundingVolumes::PlaneSequence3d< Nmax >
 Cadore::apps::PlanningDetailsPlotterTest bench implementation for minimum risk maneuver planner
 Cadore::apps::PlotConflictsPlot module for handling prediction plots
 Cadore::apps::PlotEgoOptimzed plotting application to plot map borders, vehicles and environment information and background image satellite footage
 Cadore::apps::PlotGapsPlots markers for traffic gaps
 Cadore::apps::PlotLanesOptimzed plotting application to plot map borders, vehicles and environment information and background image satellite footage
 Cadore::apps::PlotPlanSwathPlot module for plotting the planning result swaths
 Cadore::apps::PlotPredictionsPlot module for handling prediction plots
 Cadore::apps::PlotPredictionsMinimalPlot module for handling prediction plots
 Cadore::apps::PlotRoadAnnotationsOptimzed plotting application to plot annotations like speed limits
 Cadore::apps::PlotSatImagesOptimzed plotting application to display satellite images in the background
 Cadore::apps::PlotTrafficOptimzed plotting application to plot other traffic
 Cadore::apps::PlotTrafficLightsOptimzed plotting application to plot map borders, vehicles and environment information and background image satellite footage
 Cadore::apps::PlotViewsPlotting application to plot the folling: lanefollowinggeometry, lanechangegeometry
 Cadore::env::PrecedenceFilterPrecedenceFilter filters precedence rules in the path of the vehicle, as determined by ALane
 Cadore::env::PrecedenceRuleThe PrecedenceRule defines a precedence relationship between two routes. Vehicles on the low_ priority route have to yield, while vehicles on the high_ priority route may proceed
 Cadore::env::PrecedenceSetPrecedenceSet contains PrecedenceRules, indexed by the area they affect
 Cadore::env::PriorityRoutePriorityRoute implicitly references a route between two coordinates. The coordinates should be chosen such that the route is unique
 Cadore::env::PropositionA logical proposition, with a possible timeout for the information
 Cadore::env::PropositionSet0A data structure managing logical propositions of order 0
 Cadore::if_r2s::R2S2BorderBasedConverterInput: 2 files, reference lines and borders output: border file
 Cadore::if_r2s::ReferenceLineBasic storage struct for ReferenceLine from file
 Cadore::sim::ResetVehicleDimensionsEncapsulation of values needed to reset the vehicle dimensions in a simulation
 Cadore::sim::ResetVehiclePoseEncapsulation of values needed to reset the vehicle pose in a simulation
 Cadore::sim::ResetVehicleTwistEncapsulation of values needed to reset the vehicle twist (vx,vy and omega) in a simulation
 Cadore_if_ros_scheduling::Scheduler< RegistreeInfo, TimeKeyType >Scheduler is a class which provides functionality for stepped simulation
 Cadore::mad::VectorBasedVolumeTree< VolumeType, BoundingFunctor >::SearchPosition
 Cadore::mad::VectorBasedVolumeTree< VolumeType, BoundingFunctor >::SearchState
 Cadore::if_r2s::SectionDirected borders, ordered from center line to outer border
 Cadore::fun::SetPointRequestDispatcherClass helps to dispatch SetPointRequest to controller SetPointRequestDispatcher handles selection of initial state, coordinate conversion for odometry based tracking and dispatching of trajectories
 Cadore::sim::SimFactoryInstanceUtility class to simplify factory access
 Cadore::env::SpeedLimitManagementAutomatically manage speed limit information based on current vehicle position
 Cadore::apps::SpeedLimitProviderA node to gather speed limit data and provide it e.g. for laneview computation
 Cadore::apps::TacticalPlannerDecision making and maneuver planning
 Cadore::apps::TestLCTrajectoryPlannerTest implementation of a lane change trajectory planner
 Cadore::apps::TestMRMPlannerTest bench implementation for minimum risk maneuver planner
 Cadore::apps::TestTrajectoryPlannerTest implementation of a lane following trajectory planner
 Cadore::apps::TrajectoryPlannerBaseBase class for different trajectory planners: Handles communication w/ decision making module. Reads PlanningRequest and writes PlanningResult. Actual trajectory planning has to occur by overriding virtual computeTrajectory method
 Cadore::mad::VectorBasedVolumeTree< VolumeType, BoundingFunctor >
 Cadore::mad::VectorBasedVolumeTree< OccupancyCylinder, OccupancyCylinderBoundingFunctor >
 Cadore::apps::VehicleModelVehicle model which can be used in simulations
 Cadore::env::VehicleMotionState9dThis struct holds the motion state of the vehicle in 9d
 Cadore::fun::VehicleMotionStateBufferBuffers and interpolates vehicle positions
 Cadore::env::VehicleState10dThis struct holds the state of the vehicle in 10d
 Cadore::env::VehicleStateObservationClass to observe the vehicle state
 Cadore::if_xodr::XODR2BorderBasedConverterOpenDRIVE converter from file to object sets
 CZMQObjectProvider< T >
 CZMQObjectProvider< DLR_TS::PlotLab::PLComOther >
 CZMQObjectProvider< DLR_TS::PlotLab::PLComPaint >
 CZMQObjectProvider< DLR_TS::PlotLab::PLComView >
 CZMQObjectSink< T >
 Cadore::mad::Zonotope< T, D, K >
 Cadore::fun::ZonotopeTube< nx, nu, nd, nm, ntau, ngen >