ADORe is a modular open source software library and toolkit for decision making, planning, control and simulation of automated vehicles
adore::env::BorderBased Namespace Reference




class  ALanePositionedObject
 Abstract class for Objects that are positioned by a connection to a certain lane. More...
class  Baseline
 A local, non-linear, smooth road coordinate system generated from a sequence of borders. More...
struct  Border
 The border struct contains data of the smallest. More...
class  BorderObserver
class  BorderAccumulationStrategy
 This class defines how successors of a border should be chosen. More...
class  BASFollowStraight
 This class chooses the straightest successor of a border until an upper limit on distance is reached. More...
class  BASFollowNavigation
 This class chooses the successor with the lowest cost until an upper limit on distance is reached. More...
class  BASNeighbor
 This class choses the left/right neighbors of a border sequence. More...
class  BorderAccumulator
 This class collects a sequence of borders, according to chosen BorderAccumulationStrategy. More...
class  BorderCostMap
struct  Node
struct  NodeHasher
class  ABorderGraphCost
class  SimpleBorderGraphCost
class  BorderGraphCostWithLaneChanges
class  BorderGraph
struct  BorderID
 This struct identifies a Border by the coordinates of the starting and the end point. More...
struct  BorderIDHasher
 a functor, which hashes a BorderID object -> std::unordered_set<BorderID,BorderIDHasher> amap(0); More...
struct  BorderOverlap
class  BorderOverlapSet
 Set of BorderOverlap objects that are connected, e. g. to form a conflict zone. More...
class  BorderSequence
 A class which augments a vector of Border* with some sampling features. More...
struct  itpair
 pair of iterators to iterate from first iterator till second iterator is reached More...
struct  my_equal
 custom equal test for iterators More...
class  BorderSet
 efficiently store borders in boost R-tree More...
class  BorderTrace
class  ConflictZone
class  ConflictArea
class  ConflictSet
struct  Coordinate
 This struct represents 3-dimensional coordines. More...
struct  CoordinateHasher
 a functor, which hashes a Coordinate object -> std::unordered_set<Coordinate,CoordinateHasher> amap(0); More...
class  IndependentLaneChangeGeometry
 A class for computation of the geometric information required to perform lane changes. The class name contains the term "independent", as it computes its own smooth baseline function instead of using the smooth baseline function of the lane following geometry. Downside of the independence is an increase computational effort. Upside is an improved projection in cases where target lane steeply separates after the gate. In contrast to the "normal" lc-geometry, which uses a baseline in the center of the source lane, the independent smooth baseline is situated between source and target lane. There is still a minor dependence to the lane following geometry: To compute the lane change geometry, the borders collected by the lane following geometry have to be provided. More...
class  LaneChangeBorders
 Selects Borders from BorderSet required for LaneChangeView construction. More...
struct  LaneChangeDataProxy
 simple struct to hole data relevant to lane change geometry More...
class  LaneChangeGeometry
 A class with a geometry description of a lane next to the current lane. More...
class  DependentLane
class  LaneChangeView
 LaneChangeView provides traffic related information for an adjacent lane. More...
class  LaneChangeViewProxy
 Proxy class to access ALane interfaces from preprocessed lane geometry received as data object. More...
struct  CombinedLaneGeometry
class  LaneFollowingBorders
 Selects Borders from BorderSet required for LaneFollowingView construction. More...
class  LaneFollowingGeometry
 A class with a geometry description of the current lane. More...
class  LaneFollowingView
 LaneFollowingview provides traffic related information for the current lane. More...
class  LaneFollowingViewProxy
 Proxy class to access ALane interfaces from preprocessed lane geometry received as data object. More...
struct  LaneGeometryDataProxy
class  LaneMatchingStrategy
class  LMSNearest
class  LMSContinuation
class  LMSNavigation
class  BorderPositioning
struct  LanePosition
 This is a struct that contains a position defined by a BorderID and a progress on that border. More...
struct  LanePositionHasher
class  LanePositionedObjectSet
 This class represents a set of objects that are positioned by LanePosition. More...
class  LocalRoadMap
class  NavigationBorderObserver
class  ParkingSpot
 This class definition is to represent parking spots. More...
class  ParkingSpotSet
class  StopLine
 This class provide information about stoplines. More...
class  LocalRoadMapTest


typedef std::vector< Border * > BAContainer
typedef std::pair< Coordinate::boost_point, Border * > idxCoordinate2Border
typedef std::pair< Border::boost_box, Border * > idxRegion2Border
typedef boost::geometry::index::rtree< idxCoordinate2Border, boost::geometry::index::quadratic< 16 >, boost::geometry::index::indexable< idxCoordinate2Border >, my_equal< idxCoordinate2Border, Coordinate::boost_point > > Coordinate2BordersRT
typedef boost::geometry::index::rtree< idxRegion2Border, boost::geometry::index::quadratic< 16 >, boost::geometry::index::indexable< idxRegion2Border >, my_equal< idxRegion2Border, Border::boost_box > > Region2BordersRT
typedef std::unordered_map< Coordinate, std::list< Border * > *, CoordinateHasherCoordinate2Borders
typedef std::unordered_map< BorderID, Border *, BorderIDHasherBorderID2Border
typedef std::list< Border * >::iterator BorderIterator
typedef std::pair< BorderIterator, BorderIteratorBorderIteratorPair
typedef std::pair< BorderID2Border::iterator, BorderID2Border::iterator > BorderIteratorPair2
typedef itpair< Coordinate2BordersRT::const_query_iterator, Coordinate2BordersRT::const_query_iterator > itCoordinate2Border
typedef itpair< Region2BordersRT::const_query_iterator, Region2BordersRT::const_query_iterator > itRegion2Border
typedef std::vector< Border * > BorderSubSet

Typedef Documentation

◆ BAContainer

◆ BorderID2Border

◆ BorderIterator

typedef std::list<Border*>::iterator adore::env::BorderBased::BorderIterator

◆ BorderIteratorPair

◆ BorderIteratorPair2

typedef std::pair<BorderID2Border::iterator,BorderID2Border::iterator> adore::env::BorderBased::BorderIteratorPair2

◆ BorderSubSet

◆ Coordinate2Borders

◆ Coordinate2BordersRT

typedef boost::geometry::index::rtree< idxCoordinate2Border, boost::geometry::index::quadratic<16>, boost::geometry::index::indexable<idxCoordinate2Border>, my_equal<idxCoordinate2Border,Coordinate::boost_point> > adore::env::BorderBased::Coordinate2BordersRT

◆ idxCoordinate2Border

◆ idxRegion2Border

◆ itCoordinate2Border

typedef itpair<Coordinate2BordersRT::const_query_iterator,Coordinate2BordersRT::const_query_iterator> adore::env::BorderBased::itCoordinate2Border

◆ itRegion2Border

typedef itpair<Region2BordersRT::const_query_iterator,Region2BordersRT::const_query_iterator> adore::env::BorderBased::itRegion2Border

◆ Region2BordersRT

typedef boost::geometry::index::rtree< idxRegion2Border, boost::geometry::index::quadratic<16>, boost::geometry::index::indexable<idxRegion2Border>, my_equal<idxRegion2Border,Border::boost_box> > adore::env::BorderBased::Region2BordersRT