ADORe is a modular open source software library and toolkit for decision making, planning, control and simulation of automated vehicles
adore::apps Namespace Reference

abstraction of functional modules to define functionality decoupled from the middleware More...


class  AreaOfEffectProvider
class  CheckpointController
 A set of virtual traffic lights are switched according to test driver input. CheckpointController is provided with a list of coorindates. Virtual traffic lights are placed at these coordinates, initially with red-light phase active. If a clearance button is pressed by the test driver, the nearest checkpoint traffic light in the lane-following view is switched to green-light for a given amount of time. More...
class  CrosstrafficConstraintProvider
class  FeedbackController
class  GapProvider
class  IndicatorHintsProvider
 A node to gather indicator hint data and provide it e.g. for laneview computation or tactical decisions. More...
class  LaneFollowingBehavior
 Decision making and maneuver planning, which realizes lane following only. Basically a wrapper for trajectory_planner_lf, with initial state selection and direct SetPointRequest output to controller. More...
class  LaneViewProvider
 A node which computes lanefollowing and lanechange geometry and provides the results to subsequent modules. More...
class  LocalizationModel
 a model for localization adds errors to true vehicle state More...
class  MapProvider
 base class for middleware dependent implementations of the map provider module More...
class  MissionController
 Simple state machine for mission controlling. More...
class  GoalAttainmentMonitor
 A class, which monitors distance between vehicle and goal. More...
class  CollisionMonitor
 A class, which monitors for collisions between ego and other objects. More...
class  Monitor0
class  Navigation
class  ObjectDetectionModel
class  OdometryModel
 a model for odometry sensor integrates velocities as measured with errors More...
class  PlainXMLExporter
class  PlatoonViewProvider
class  PlotConflicts
 a plot module for handling prediction plots More...
class  PlotEgo
 a optimzed plotting application to plot map borders, vehicles and environment information and background image satellite footage More...
class  GapQueuePlotter
class  PlotGaps
 plots markers for traffic gaps More...
class  PlotLanes
 a optimzed plotting application to plot map borders, vehicles and environment information and background image satellite footage More...
class  PlotPlanSwath
 a plot module for plotting the planning result swaths More...
class  PlanningDetailsPlotter
 test bench implementation for minimum risk maneuver planner More...
class  PlotPredictions
 a plot module for handling prediction plots More...
class  PlotPredictionsMinimal
 a plot module for handling prediction plots More...
class  PlotRoadAnnotations
 an optimzed plotting application to plot annotations like speed limits More...
class  PlotSatImages
 a optimzed plotting application to display satellite images in the background More...
class  PlotTraffic
 a optimzed plotting application to plot other traffic More...
class  PlotTrafficLights
 a optimzed plotting application to plot map borders, vehicles and environment information and background image satellite footage More...
class  PlotViews
 a plotting application to plot the folling: lanefollowinggeometry, lanechangegeometry More...
class  PredictionFilter
class  PredictionProvider
class  SpeedLimitProvider
 A node to gather speed limit data and provide it e.g. for laneview computation. More...
class  TacticalPlanner
 Decision making and maneuver planning. More...
class  TestLCTrajectoryPlanner
 test implementation of a lane change trajectory planner More...
class  TestMRMPlanner
 test bench implementation for minimum risk maneuver planner More...
class  TestStraightLinePredictor
class  TestTrajectoryPlanner
 test implementation of a lane following trajectory planner More...
class  TrajectoryPlannerALC
 Decoupled trajectory planner, which uses TrajectoryPlannerBase to compute and provide a PlanningResult in the event of a PlanningRequest Computes a lane change trajectory using advanced lane change planner. More...
class  TrajectoryPlannerBase
 Base class for different trajectory planners: Handles communication w/ decision making module. Reads PlanningRequest and writes PlanningResult. Actual trajectory planning has to occur by overriding virtual computeTrajectory method. More...
class  TrajectoryPlannerLC
 Decoupled trajectory planner, which uses TrajectoryPlannerBase to compute and provide a PlanningResult in the event of a PlanningRequest Computes a lane change trajectory. More...
class  TrajectoryPlannerLF
 Decoupled trajectory planner, which uses TrajectoryPlannerBase to compute and provide a PlanningResult in the event of a PlanningRequest. More...
class  TrajectoryPlannerLM
 Decoupled trajectory planner, which uses TrajectoryPlannerBase to compute and provide a PlanningResult in the event of a PlanningRequest Computes a lane change trajectory. More...
class  VehicleModel
 a vehicle model which can be used in simulations More...


using EnvFactory = adore::env::EnvFactoryInstance
using ParamsFactory = adore::params::ParamsFactoryInstance

Detailed Description

abstraction of functional modules to define functionality decoupled from the middleware

Typedef Documentation

◆ EnvFactory

◆ ParamsFactory