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ADORe provides several sources of Documentation which will be detailed below.

Landing page

The ADORe landing page is the main github io information web page. Location: 🔗


ADORe uses mkdocs to compile markdown into a searchable document hub.

Location 🔗


ADORe utilized doxygen to auto generate in-source

Location 🔗

GNU Make

Every ADORe module provides a Makefile providing "documentation-as-code". To learn what a module offers inspect the available make targets. Every ADORe module also offers a make help target. Call 'make help' to learn what it offers such as with the following example:

adore(master) ✗ (0)> source adore.env
adore(master) ✗ (0)> cd adore_if_ros_msg
adore_if_ros_msg(master) (0)> make help
Usage: make <target>
  build                                    Build adore_if_ros_msg
  clean                                    Clean adore_if_ros_msg build artifacts
  branch_adore_if_ros_msg                  Returns the current docker safe/sanitized branch for adore_if_ros_msg
  build_adore_if_ros_msg                   Build adore_if_ros_msg
  clean_adore_if_ros_msg                   Clean adore_if_ros_msg build artifacts
  docker_clean                             Clean/delete all docker dangling images and build cache
  docker_delete_all_build_cache            Delete all docker builder cache
  docker_delete_all_containers             Stop and delete all docker containers
  docker_delete_all_none_tags              Delete all docker orphaned/none tags
  docker_delete_dangling_images            Delete all dangling images/tags
  docker_orbital_cannon                    Deletes ALL docker images, volumes, build cache and containers. !DangerZone!
  docker_system_prune                      Prune the docker system
  get_sanitized_branch_name                Returns a sanitized git branch name with only alphanumeric and ASCII characters permitted as docker tags
  image_adore_if_ros_msg                   Returns the current docker image name for adore_if_ros_msg

ℹī¸ INFO: Be sure to source the adore.env file before running any make commands on individual modules. Otherwise you could be greeted with the following error message or similar:

INFO: To clone submodules use: 'git submodule update --init --recursive'
INFO: To specify alternative path for submodules use: SUBMODULES_PATH="<path to submodules>" make build' *** "ERROR: adore/adore_if_ros_msg/make_gadgets does not exist. Did you clone the submodules?".  Stop.

Documentation Generation

For information on how the sausage (documentation) is made please visit the Documentation Generation 🔗 guide.