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Adore cli

ADORe command line interface (CLI)

The ADORe CLI is a docker runtime context that provides a complete set of tools for execution and development within adore. For more information on this tool please visit

The ADORe CLI context provides the following features: * Execution environment for all ADORe related binaries * A pre-generated catkin workspace located at adore/catkin_workspace * Reuse of previously generated binaries and build artifacts. All build artifacts generated previously with make build can be executed in this environment * Headless, native or windowed plotlab server running as a docker compose service. The display mode for plotlab server can be configured with the docker-compose.yaml. For more information on plotlab server please review the provided by that module at plotlabserver/ server can be configured * ros master running as a docker compose service * All ROS tools preinstalled * some basic development and debugging tools * ZSH


Change directory to the root of the ADORe project and run:

make cli

On first run of the ADORe CLI the system will be built including all core modules. Initial build can take 10-15 minutes depending on system and network.

Once the ADORe CLI context builds and starts you will be presented with a zsh shell context:

Welcome to the ADORe Development CLI Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.19.0-45-generic x86_64)

         __/  |_\__
        |           -. 

  Type 'help' for more information.

  Waiting for plotlab server ... plotlab server ready 

  Vehicle environment set to: Development

ADORe CLI: adore git:(main)  (0)>  

⚠ WARNING: Any changes to the adore cli context require manually invoking a build for it to take effect! The ADORE CLI is only built on first invocation of 'make cli'

This will build all necessary ADORe components and launch a docker context.

How do I know if I am in the ADORe CLI context?

  • If you are in the ADORe CLI context you should have a shell prompt similar to the following: ADORe CLI: adore git:(master) (0)>
  • you can also check your current user with:

should report:



When running the ADORe CLI the adore source directory is mounted as a volume. It will be mounted with the same path as the parent context. Any changes made in the adore source tree will persist on the host/parent file system.