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ADORe ROS Message Repository

ADORe is an open source toolkit for automated vehicle control and decision making, with the main repository eclipse/adore. ADORe can be coupled with ROS. This repository defines ROS messages used for interaction with ADORe through ROS. A detailed list of ROS messages and the typical topics can be found in the subfolder.

Build Status



On this level the repository is a docker and make wrapper for the actual content in the module subfolder.

Getting Started


This project requires docker and make installed and configured for your user.


To build adore_if_ros_msg run the following on the top level of the repository:


Build Artifacts

To consume this module you must: 1. Build the project with make 2. Install or source the module with one of the provided methods 3. Add adore_if_ros_msg to your CMakeLists.txt with find_package and catkin_package

Once build via make this project offers the multiple options for consuming/installing the module via the adore_if_ros_msg/build directory.

Raw message header files

After running make raw message files will be located at adore_if_ros_msg/build/devel/include/adore_if_ros_msg

Installation: Debian archive

After running make a debian archive will be located in adore_if_ros_msg/build which can be installed via dpkg:

dpkg -i adore_if_ros_msg/build/*.deb

Installation: System context

You can directly install the adore_if_ros_msg module into your system context with cmake:

cd adore_if_ros_msg/build cmake .. > /dev/null 2>&1 || true 
cmake --install . 

Sourceing: cmake install context

A Cmake install context is provided upon build which can be added during cmake configure to your prefix path. When configuring a build add adore_if_ros_msg/build/install to your CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:

cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$(realpath adore_if_ros_msg/build/install)

Adding adore_if_ros_msg to your CMakeLists.txt

Once installed or sourced via the previously described methods you can consume the adore_if_ros_msg module with CMake by: 1. Using find_package in your CMakeLists.txt to include adore_if_ros_msg

find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS
  1. Adding adore_if_ros_msg to catkin_package in your CMakeLists.txt: