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Running Your First Scenario

Running Your First Scenario

So you have emergent into the world as a new born by installing ADORe while simultaneously downloading the entire internet. You look around and ahead you spot the ADORe CLI car on the horizon...

If you have been greeted with the ADORe CLI car then you are ready to run your first scenario!

Welcome to the ADORe Development CLI Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.19.0-45-generic x86_64)

         __/  |_\__
        |           -. 

ℹī¸ INFO: If you have not seen the ADORe CLI car yet then please review the Getting Started 🔗 guide

Launching the ADORe CLI

If you have seen ADORe CLI car and you have an interactive shell prompt such as the following:

ADORe CLI: adore git:(master)  (0)>  

otherwise start the cli with:

make cli

Running A Scenario

Once in the ADORe CLI docker context 🔗 you can run a scenario with roslaunch:

cd adore_scenarios
roslaunch baseline_test.launch

I have errors now what?

  1. You can review the Problems and Solutions 🔗 guide.
  2. You can Get Help 🔗. Send us an SOS and we will come to the rescue.