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Automated Driving Open Research (ADORe)

About ADORe

Eclipse ADORe is a modular software library and toolkit for decision making, planning, control and simulation of automated vehicles. It developed by The German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute for Transportation Systems 🔗. ADORe provides some of the following features and capabilities:

  • Algorithms and data models applied in real automated driving system for motion planning and control
  • Mechanisms for safe interaction with other CAVs, infrastructure, traffic management, interactions with human-driven vehicles, bicyclists, pedestrians
  • Integration with typical tools and formats such as SUMO 🔗, CARLA, OpenDrive, Road2Simulation, ITS-G5 V2X (MAPEM, SPATEM, DENM, MCM, SREM)
  • ADORe is ROS 🔗 based
  • ADORe is fully containerized using Docker 🔗
  • ADORe is currently deployed on DLR TS institute research vehicles FASCar 🔗 and VIEWCar II🔗

ADORe In Action

Here you can see one of our automated test vehicles being operated by ADORe: ADORe example video 🔗